Keeping a vehicle active with the Rideshare program

Article updated on 03/15/2024

All vehicles enabled to “Drive with Uber,” known as the Rideshare program, need to pass Uber's vehicle requirements. In particular, if a market requires an up-to-date vehicle inspection it must match the vehicle's registration information, License plate, VIN, and be renewed yearly.

It is very important for the information on your car's Getaround page to match your vehicle's registration and inspection document (if required in your market). If you update your vehicle's license plate or VIN on your Getaround car page, it must be reflected on your vehicle's current inspection document and registration.

If your vehicle is no longer eligible for the Rideshare program due to any of the following reasons, we will inform you via email and remove your vehicle from the program while we work with you to rectify the issue:

  • One or more documents that have expired or have not been submitted.

  • The information (VIN/ License Plate/ registered state) on your vehicle’s Getaround car page has been updated and is out of sync with Uber's information.

  • Your car is no longer eligible based on Uber’s restrictions or requirements.

For specific information on car requirements and documents needed see this article. If your vehicle is removed from the Rideshare program it will still be eligible for regular personal or “carshare” rentals on the Getaround platform, provided it still meets all other eligibility criteria.

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