Enabling Cars for the "Drive With Uber" (RIDESHARE) Program

Article updated on 02/27/2024

Thank you for your interest in the Drive With Uber program! To apply, please confirm your vehicle's eligibility and prepare the necessary documents for review by Uber. For more information on specific vehicle requirements, see Rideshare Car and Document Requirements.

You can apply by navigating to the Drive with Uber Document Collector. Fill in your email address, license plate, and car location. You will then be prompted to submit the required documents such as registration and/or inspection.

The documents will then be sent to Uber for review. If the documents are approved, we will send you an email confirming your car is available for Driving with Uber or "Rideshare" Reservations. You will see the RIDESHARE tag be applied to your car page. If the documents are rejected, we will instead send an email describing the rejection reason to help troubleshoot the issue. Please refer to the car and document requirements for details around Uber’s requirements.

Provided your vehicle has been enabled for our Drive With Uber program, renters who book to Drive With Uber (also known as Uber Driver Partners) are able to use your vehicle for both ride hailing or Uber Eats. These Uber drivers have all gone through Uber’s driver background check in addition to Getaround’s driver check.

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