Guide to mileage adjustments

Article updated on 05/13/2024

Each rental automatically includes mileage based on the length of the rental. If the driver exceeds their mileage allowance, you’ll get compensated at the end of the rental.

Included mileage

Duration Included mileage
1 hour 20 miles
2 hours - 9 hours + 20 miles per hour
1 day (from 9.5 hours) 200 miles
2 - 30 days +200 miles per day

Mileage packages and adjustments

If the driver plans to drive further than the included mileage during the rental, they can buy a mileage package at a lower price to increase their mileage allowance.

If the driver exceeds their mileage allowance, they have to pay an adjustment for the extra mile after the rental.

You receive a share of the amount the driver pays for each mile driven that exceeds the mileage allowance.

You'll receive $0.30 per extra mile driven.

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