Offering delivery

Article updated on 03/21/2024

For active listings, you can offer delivery of your vehicle to the renter, either for free or for a fee. This functionality is only available for Key Exchange cars, not Getaround Connect cars.

What is delivery?

Your listing includes the main address of your vehicle (i.e., the address where your vehicle is available for reservation by renters). In addition to this address, you can provide additional addresses at Getaround determined key locations (i.e. train stations) within 25 miles of your main address. This allows renters searching for a car departing from a transportation hub to see your car in the search.

Booking process

To allow you to maintain control of your calendar, know that instant booking will not be activated if the renter chooses an address other than your main address. You will need to manually accept each reservation request from a renter who has requested the car to be delivered to a key location. Additionally, renters cannot rent your car less than a day in advance and if their rental period is less than 2 days for this option. This way, you'll have time to get to the key location specified in your listing that the renter has chosen.

Lastly, It is strictly prohibited to ask renters to go to a delivery location not specified in your listing or to require them to bear the travel expenses to go to an unspecified location in the listing.

Delivery Fee

You can offer free delivery or charge up to $120. You will receive 90% of the delivery fee to cover the costs associated with picking up and returning the vehicle. To set the right delivery price, we recommend observing the prices of competitors in the chosen delivery locations.

Note: If your rental price with delivery is too high, you may receive few or no requests.


Insurance coverage for rentals is active only while the renter possesses the vehicle. This means that the car is not protected by Getaround's insurance before the renter takes possession of the vehicle or after they return the car to the owner. Owners must maintain appropriate insurance outside these periods to ensure protection against incidents or accidents. Typically, this is part of your private insurance as a business trip, but confirmation with your provider is advised. It's mandatory to have year-round insurance, at least covering third-party liability.

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